Cambodia Eyes March 2011 ReOpening

posted Apr 6, 2010, 11:34 AM by Christina C.   [ updated Apr 6, 2010, 11:35 AM ]
The Phnom Penh Post reported March 30th Cambodian Social Affairs Minister Ith Sam Heng told members of a workshop earlier in the week authorities hope to have new regulations in place for Hague-compliant inter-country adoptions by the end of March 2011.
“The government will start to receive adoption proposals from ... other countries who want to adopt Cambodian children,” Ith Sam Heng said.  “We have one year – 12 months – to implement and enforce the inter-country adoption law.”

Despite the proposed timeline, it remains to be seen whether the law will be stringent enough to ensure compliance with the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-country Adoption, which sets strict terms on who should be eligible for international adoptions and how those adoptions should be regulated.

Though Cambodia has ratified the convention, countries including the US, Australia, France and Canada have effectively placed moratoriums on adopting children from Cambodia, citing concerns about the Kingdom’s ability to comply with the guidelines.

Rights groups have long raised allegations that adoptions in Cambodia have fuelled child trafficking.